The combined effect of the distribution of fuel, air, temperature, pressure, and velocity in a combustor on methane-air mixing times is examined using a uni ed mixing model. The model is designed to study mixing under both nonreacting and reacting conditions up to the ame front at low pressures. The degree and rate of mixing is quanti ed using the local equivalence ratio and its total derivative with respect to time, respectively. Results show that velocity divergence, and rates of pressure and temperature affects mixing. The model is validated using available experimental results. Two mixing mechanisms that can be distinguished are air penetration into the fuel ow and fuel dispersion into the surrounding air. Algorithms to calculate the rates of mixing and mixing times for both these mechanisms are presented. Results show that under both reacting and nonreacting conditions, the maximum mixing time is directly proportional to the initial pressure and temperature of mixture and inversely proportional to rates of pressure and temperature, and to velocity divergence. Mixing through fuel dispersion into the surrounding air is shown to be faster than via air penetration into the fuel ow. The range of conditions for the distributions of pressure, temperature, and velocity have been chosen to represent characteristic conditions encountered in most low-pressure combustors. Rates of pressure of less than one atm/s acting alone provide a mixing time in excess of one second, which is unacceptably long for many applications, in particular gas turbine combustion. Rates of temperature that act alone may provide mixing times of 0.001 s or less. Mixing times of the order of a few milliseconds, required for ef cient combustion and low emission, require high velocity gradient at the fuel-air boundary. Results show that enhanced mixing is achieved by combining temperature and velocity gradients. This analysis of mixing time assists in providing design guidelines for the development of high intensity, high ef ciency, and low emission combustors. Nomenclature dP / dt = rate of pressure, atm/s (dP / dt ) max = maximum rate of pressure, atm/s (dP / dt ) min = minimum rate of pressure, atm/s dT / dt = rate of temperature, K/s (dT / dt ) max = maximum of rate of temperature, K/s (dT / dt ) min = minimum rate of temperature, K/s div U = velocity divergence, 1/s div U max = maximum velocity divergence, 1/s div U min = minimum velocity divergence, 1/s e 1 , e 2 , e 3 = unit vectors along the x, y, z axes M = molecular weight of mixture, kg/kmol M(0) = initial molecular weight of mixture, kg/kmol M a = molecular weight of air, kg/kmol M f = molecular weight of fuel, kg/kmol m a = mass of air, kg m f = mass of fuel, kg (m a / m f ) st = stoichiometric mass ratio of fuel and air P = pressure, atm R = universal gas constant/atmospheric pressure, m 3 /Kmol-K R n = fuel nozzle radius, m r e = rate of equivalence ratio, 1/s r (exp) e = experimental rate of equivalence ratio, 1/s r (max) e = maximum rate of equivalence ratio, 1/s r (min) e = minimu...