“…For example, C-dots doped with ZnS and functionalized with oligomeric poly(ethylenelycol) diamine (PEG 1500N) have shown very high FLQY up to 78% (Anilkumar et al, 2011). Heteroatom (e.g., N, B, S, and Si) doping with or without surface modifications (Qian et al, 2014;Chandra et al, 2013;Hu, Y., et al, 2014), especially N-doping or co-doping with N and another element, has also been actively investigated to improve the FLQY of C-dots Zhang, Y.Q., et al 2012;Gao et al, 2014;Yang et al, 2014;Wei et al, 2014;Qu et al, 2014). By using citric acid and urea as C and N sources, respectively, Qu et al (2012) reported a one-step microwave synthesis of N-doped C-dots (N/C-dots) with FLQY of about 14%.…”