Abstract:Neuroimage registration has an important role in clinical (for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes) and research applications. In this article we describe the applicability of Tsallis Entropy as a new cost function for neuroimage registration through a comparative analysis based on the performance of the traditional approaches (correlation based: Entropy Correlation Coefficient (ECC) and Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC); and Mutual Information (MI) based: Mutual Information using Shannon Entropy (MIS) and Normalized Mutual Information (NMI)) and the proposed one based on MI using Tsallis entropy (MIT). We created phantoms with known geometric transformations using Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Magnetic Resonance
1633Imaging from 3 morphologically normal subjects. The simulated volumes were registered to the original ones using both the proposed and traditional approaches. The comparative analysis of the Relative Error (RE) showed that MIT was more accurate in the intramodality registration, whereas for inter-modality registration, MIT presented the lowest RE for rotational transformations, and the ECC the lowest RE for translational transformations. In conclusion, we have shown that, with certain limitations, Tsallis Entropy has application as a better cost function for reliable neuroimage registration.