Balance-of-plant (BoP) equipment component cost estimates provided using Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (APEA) software [3] were updated with the following material selection: SS304 is specified for components with operating temperature T<600°C, while SS347 is specified for components with an operating temperature T>600°C. Previously low alloy steel was specified for several low-temperature process components. Use of stainless steel throughout the process provides a more robust design. High-pressure compression of hydrogen and long-distance transport costs were excluded. This was done to separate the costs of the primary HTSE process components from the costs of the scenariospecific equipment, which enables a more direct comparison with other hydrogen production technologies. An updated set of financial input value specifications were selected to be representative of nuclearintegrated hydrogen production in an industrial application. The following parameters were specified with values that differ from those in the Current Central Solid Oxide Electrolysis H2A V3.2018 Case Study [4]: Reference Year updated to 2020 from 2016; Start-up Year updated to 2025 from 2015; Plant Life and Analysis period updated to 20 years from 40 years (20 years is representative of the duration of a light water reactor (LWR) NPP operating license extension); Debt Period updated to 20 years from Constant Debt; and After-Tax Real internal rate of return (IRR) updated to 10% from 8%. Grid-integrated analysis was excluded such that this current report considers only constant hydrogen production where the HTSE plant sources the entirety of the available NPP power for its operation (i.e., no dispatching of nuclear power between the HTSE plant and the grid is assumed).