This report describes work performed by the Hawaiian Electric Companies and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to model and simulate advanced inverter grid-support utility-interactive 1 (GSUI) functions and to validate and expand on those simulations through a field pilot study. This work builds on earlier research, referred to as the Voltage Regulation Operational Strategies (VROS) study (Giraldez, et al., 2017) (and is referred to as "VROS 2017" in this report). The objective of both the original VROS 2017 study and this update is to investigate functionalities available in most photovoltaic (PV) systems equipped with advanced inverters to modulate active and reactive power autonomously based on local voltage measurements for the purpose of mitigating off-nominal grid voltage conditions. Specifically of interest are volt/volt-ampere reactive (VAR) control and volt/Watt control 2 , the effect of those functions on quasi-steady-state feeder voltages, and the impact of the functions on PV energy production. Because volt/VAR in combination with volt/Watt (volt/Var-volt/Watt) control autonomously adjust inverter output based on local conditions without requiring communication with any other devices, they are good candidates for non-wire alternatives to increase PV hosting capacity when the limiting factor is voltage constraints in a transformer secondary service with very large numbers of PV systems.