In this paper we discuss the design and implementation of mJADES, a new simulation engine that runs on top of an ad-hoc federation of cloud providers and is designed to perform multiple concurrent simulations. These features make mJADES an attractive environment for the simulation of complex systems, in which it is often desiderable to perform many simulation runs, either for statistical validation or to compare the system behavior in several di↵erent conditions. Given a set of simulation tasks, mJADES is able automatically to acquire the computing resources needed from the cloud and to distribute the simulation runs to be executed. . His research activities focus on performance evaluation and prediction of parallel and distributed computer systems, including Cloud Computing, Grid Computing and their integration, with special attention to simulative prediction techniques. His scientific activity is mainly focused on the analysis and design of High Performance System Architectures and on methodologies and techniques for distributed software development.Umberto Villano is full professor at the University of Sannio at Benevento, Italy, where he is Director of the Department of Engineering. His major research interests concern performance prediction and analysis of parallel and distributed computer architectures, tools and environments for parallel programming and distributed algorithms. He received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering cum laude from the University of Naples in 1983.In the last few years, cloud computing (Peter Mell and Tim Grance, 2009) has proven to be a convenient paradigm for structuring and deploying applications and infrastructures. The elastic nature of the cloud paradigm, together with the "everything as a service" philosophy mutuated from the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) methodology, has promoted its use