“…The electrochemical methods, in respected to their high sensitivity, stability, portability and convenience, have received great attention for the analysis of azo dyes [6]. Up to now, some nanocomposites have been used to improve the electrochemical sensing performance for these food colorants, such as multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) [7], MWCNTs‐ionic liquid (MWCNTs‐IL) [8], graphene oxide‐MWCNTs (GO‐MWCNTs) [9], Fe 3 O 4 −MWCNTs [10], graphene‐TiO 2 (Gr−TiO 2 ) [11], La 2 O 3 −TiO 2 [12], Gr−IL/AuNPs [13], and In 3+ /NiO hierarchical nanostructures [14], etc . Although the above sensors have improved the electrochemical response of food colorants, the design of new nanomaterials is still requried to further speed the development of sensitive food colorants sensing platform.…”