Electronic circuits are becoming more susceptible to errorscaused by radiation due to scaling down technological nodeand high operating frequencies [4, 5, 11].This work presentsa comparative analysis of the sensitivity radiation fordifferent XOR gate topologies 16 nm. The doors wereimplemented considering two different devices:Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS bulk)and Fin Field-Effect Transistor (FinFET) and two logics:Complementary Logic (CMOS logic) and Logic PassageTransistor (PTL). To allow a more detailed comparison, thiswork also discusses the critical delay results, power and thePower-Delay Product (PDP), a metric that defines thepower dissipated by the circuit to perform an operation, foreach version of XOR. The doors PTL-based XORs showedsuperior improvements 13% for the critical delay and 11%for the PDP in relation to CMOS logic. The topologies of thePTL family still showed greater robustness against the effectsof radiation when compared to ports implemented withCMOS logic, with a Linear Energy Transfer (LET) beingalmost 30% higher for CMOS devices and approximately20% higher for FinFET devices. In addition, circuits basedon FinFET are about 70% faster, have a PDP 80% smallerand are approximately 300x more robust than CMOStechnology, with an improvement in the LET threshold ofboth logical families evaluated.