. 69, 822 (1991).Information concerning the solubilization of hydrocarbons in ionic surfactant micelles was obtained from 'H NMR relaxation, 'H NMR chemical shifts, and 'H NMR paramagnetic relaxation measurements. The rotational motion of deuterated hydrocarbons, which is related to the micellar microviscosity at the location of the hydrocarbons, was probed by ' H NMR relaxation. The relaxation data are interpreted using both the two-step and the single-step models, and the results are discussed in terms of the micellar microviscosity and the location of the hydrocarbons in micelles. The location of the hydrocarbons in micelles was further investigated by determining the aromatic ring current-induced 'H chemical shifts along the surfactant alkyl chain and by comparing the 'H spin-lattice relaxation enhancement of the hydrocarbons and the surfactant alkyl chain, induced by ~n ' ' on the micellar surface. The hydrocarbons used include benzene, naphthalene, acenaphthalene, triphenylene, cyclohexane, cyclododecane, and tert-butylcyclohexane and the surfactants studied are hexadecyl-, tetradecyl-, and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide; hexadecyl-, tetradccyl-, and dodecylpyridinium halide; and sodium dodecyl sulfate. The results indicate that the micellar microviscosity at the location of saturated hydrocarbons is approximately 5 cP for both the cationic and anionic micelles, whereas the micellar microviscosity at the location of unsaturated hydrocarbons is much higher. The unsaturated hydrocarbons are found to reside primarily near the surfactant headgroup in the cationic micelles, but are distributed evenly throughout the anionic SDS micelles. The saturated hydrocarbons appear to be located in the interior of the micelles. 822 (1991).
Utilisant la relaxation RMN du 'H, les dCplacements chimiques en RMN du 'H et des mesurcs de relaxation paramagnktique en RMN du 'H, on a obtenu de I'information concernant la solubilisation d'hydrocarbures dans des micelles d'agents de surfaceioniques. Pour Ctudier le mouvement de rotation des hydrocarbures deutCrCs qui est reliC la microviscositC micellaire au point de location des hydrocarbures, on a fait appel h la relaxation en RMN du 'H. On a interprCte les donnCes de relaxation utilisant les modkles en une ainsi qu'en deux Ctapes et on discute des rCsultats en fonction de la microviscositC micellaire et de la position des hydrocarbures dans les micelles. On a rCalisC une Ctude plus approfondie de I'influence de la position des hydrocarbures dans les micelles en determinant les dCplacements chimiques induits par le courant du noyau aromatique le long de la chaine alkyle de I'agent de surface et en comparant les augmentations des relaxations spin-reseau du 'H des hydrocarbures et de la chaine alkyle de I'agent de surface qui sont induites par du ~n ' .~ sur la surface micellairc. Les hydrocarbures utilisks sont le benzene, le naphtalkne, I'acCnaphtalkne, le triphknylkne, le cyclohexane, le cyclododCcane et le terl-butylcyclohexane alors que les agents de surface ttudiCs sont les ...