“…25 Salient examples of this are CaO rooted from metallurgical wastes and fly ash for biodiesel production, 26,27 iron oxides derived from red mud for hydrogen production 28 and slag-based geopolymer for reverse water-gas shift reaction. 29 Currently, at Rio Tinto Fer & Titane Company situated in Sorel-Tracy (Québec, Canada), the so-called Upgraded Titania-rich slag (UGS®), containing 94.5% of titanium dioxide, is produced from hemo-ilmenite ore (FeTiO 3 -Fe 2 O 3 ) by a high-pressure and high temperature acid leaching process (T > 900 °C and P > 5 bar). 30 At the end of this process, the beads of the metal oxides, containing mainly Fe, Mg, and Al in the form of magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ), magnesioferrite (MgFe 2 O 4 ), hercynite (FeAl 2 O 4 ) and free periclase (MgOH), are generated, crystalized, discarded, and referred to as UGS oxide (UGSO) residue.…”