Have we arrived at a New World Disorder? Well, the UK is no longer a stabilizing power in Europe, and the US has stopped functioning as a stabilizer in the global system. Behind these structural changes we fi nd the manifold failures of neoliberal economics. In the footsteps of Keynes, Polanyi and Habermas, Heikki Patomäki uncovers the causes and dynamics of these complex crises, and also identifi es the keys of a progressive project that can save the legacy of enlightenment and democratic politics in Europe, as well as the world system, and help to fi nd the way back to social progress.-László Andor, Former EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion List of figures viii List of tables ix Acknowledgements x 1 Introduction: the world falling apart 1 2 Brexit and the causes of European disintegration 16 3 EU, Russia and the conflict in Ukraine 41 4 Trumponomics and the logic of global disintegration 70 5 Piketty's inequality r > g: the key to understanding and overcoming the dynamics of disintegration 94 6 Conclusion: holoreflexivity and the shape of things to come 113 Index 135 Contents 1.1 The self-reinforcing negative dynamics of the neoliberal world economy 2.1 Politico-economic developments, social-psychological mechanisms and cognitive schemes 2.2 The rising popularity of UKIP 3.1 Ukraine's GDP per capita and growth rate 3.2 Ukraine's current account balance and foreign reserves 3.3 A two-phase causal mechanism leading to securitization and other-blaming 4.1 Income inequality: top 1 percent and bottom 90 percent average pre-tax incomes, 1949-2014 4.2 Wealth inequality: top 1 percent and bottom 90 percent average wealth, 1949-2014 4.3 Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) 4.4 Manufacturing employees and real output 5.1 World GDP per capita growth rates 5.2 High-income countries' GDP per capita growth rates Social Sciences, Markus served as my full-time research assistant from April to June 2017. Thank you, Markus! In addition, all the chapters have been language-and copy-edited in a very professional and efficient manner by Kenneth Quek. As always, it goes without saying that I am responsible for all the remaining errors and for what may turn out as non-adequate truth-judgements (as we critical realists know, the preface paradox is no paradox at all, as an author may be quite sure that her book will be revealed to contain errors but be quite unable to say what they are just now).