This chapter examined the input and output of WikiAfLibs training, the struggles, and lessons learned. The study used spidergram design of 5Ws and 1H (who, what, where, why, when, and how). Instruments used were online questionnaire and FGD. The participants were librarians in the #WikiAfLibs Cohort 1 drawn from Anglophone countries. It was discovered that live sessions, office hours, and learning resources were mostly favored among the activities (39% and 33%, respectively). Respondents used personal data subscriptions (75%) and received the training from their homes. Some have joined Wikipedia communities in their countries and have received funds. They struggled with cost of data subscription, fear of internet disruption, and not meeting the deadline of the assignments. They agreed that Wikipedia would give librarians more visibility, enrich services, and build partnerships. The findings imply that librarians' full embrace of Wikipedia will add value to information services. The study concluded that librarians should integrate Wikipedia in information service delivery.