“…A more proximal setting can also be ruled out on account of the dissimilarity of the fauna as compared to those of the well-documented sub-environments of the modern Mahakam Delta Plain (van Gorsel, 1988) and Mississippi Delta Plain and active birdfoot (Phleger, 1954(Phleger, , 1955(Phleger, , 1960Hiltermann and Tüxen, 1978;Haman, 1983;Hiltermann and Haman, 1985). These are characterized by the agglutinating foraminifers Ammoastuta, Ammoscalaria, Ammotium, Arenoparrella, Miliammina, Polysaccammina, Tiptotrocha, and Trochamminita. Many of these genera are restricted to the Cenozoic, but Ammoastuta and Miliammina are also regarded as indicators of marginal marine environments in the middle part of the Cretaceous (Luger, 1988).…”