The main objective of the European Spallation Source (ESS) is to perform consistently high impact neutron scattering science using the highest neutron flux of any facility in its class. This ambition is naturally accompanied by operational challenges related to the vertical integration of the instruments' hardware and software shared between collaborators from 13 European countries. The present work will detail integration tests performed at the V20 Test Instrument at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin in Germany. An ESS chopper prototype was successfully controlled through the ESS Chopper Integration Controller (CHIC) and Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). Neutron data were successfully collected and time stamped using neutron beam monitors, the ESS prototype detector readout electronics and the Data Management Software Center (DMSC) data acquisition (DAQ) software. Chopper rotation events were timestamped and the chopper disk showed excellent stability and neutron absorption characteristics. The test resulted in (i) the expected time-of-flight (TOF) response, (ii) collected data that compared well with instrument reference data and (iii) revealing the diagnostic power of the performed integration tests. The results of this integration test validate the ESS chopper and detector DAQ architecture choices.Introduction. -The European Spallation Source, a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), is a multi-disciplinary research facility based on the world's most powerful neutron source with a vision to enable scientific breakthroughs in research related to materials, energy, health and the environment, and address some of the most important societal challenges of our time [1][2][3]. The ESS will reach higher flux and longer pulse length compared to other neutron research facilities. In order to meet the needs of the diverse scientific areas, 16 neutron scattering instruments are currently foreseen in the baseline instrument suite. It is expected that the instruments, spanning over 3 instrument halls, requiring in total