Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 105 -1, marec 2015 str. 61 -72 COBISS Code 1.01 DOI: 10.14720/aas.2015.105.1.07 Agrovoc descriptors: rivers, alluvial soils, cambisols, soil types, sedimentation, soil classification, soil salinity, site factors, chemicophysical properties
Agris category code: p32Soil of the lower valley of the Dragonja river (Slovenia)
ABSTRACTSoil of the lower valley of the river Dragonja developed under specific soil-forming factors. Soil development in the area was influenced by alluvial sediments originating from surrounding hills, mostly of flysch sequence rocks, as a parent material, Sub-Mediterranean climate and the vicinity of the sea. Different soil classification units (Gleysol and Fluvisol) were proposed for that soil in previous researches. The aim of our study was the evaluation of morphological, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of soil, based on detailed soil description and analyses, and to define the appropriate soil classification units. Field examinations revealed that the soil had a stable blocky or subangular structure and did not express substantial hydromorphic forms. Soil pH value was ranging from 6.9 to 7.5. In most locations electroconductivity (ECe) did not exceed 2 ds/m. Base saturation was high (up to 99 %), with a majority of Ca 2+ ions. Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) was ranging from 0.2 to 3.8 %, which is higher compared to other Slovenian soils but does not pose a risk to soil structure. Soil has silty clay loam texture with up to 66 % of silt. Prevailing minerals were quartz, calcite and muscovite/illite. No presence of swelling clay mineral montmorillonite was detected. According to Slovenian soil classification, we classified the examined soil as alluvial soil. According to WRB soil classification, the soil was classified as Cambisol.Key words: soil classification, soil properties, mineralogical characteristics, salinity
IZVLEČEK TLA SPODNJEGA DELA DOLINE REKE DRAGONJE (SLOVENIJA)Tla spodnjega dela doline reke Dragonje so se razvila pod vplivom specifičnih tlotvornih dejavnikov. Rečni sediment iz kamnin flišnega porekla kot matična podlaga, submediteransko podnebje in prisotnost morja so vplivali na razvoj tal. Predhodne raziskave tal na tem območju so tla različno poimenovale; uvrščale so jih bodisi med oglejena bodisi obrečna tla. Namen naše raziskave je bil na osnovi natančnega opisa morfoloških latnosti tal in kemičnih ter mineraloških analiz podati predlog poimenovanja tal. Ugotovili smo, da imajo tla obstojno poliedrično ali oreškasto strukturo in ne izkazujejo intenzivnih hidromorfnih oblik. pH je od 6.9 do 7.5. Na večini vzorčnih mest elektrokonduktivnost nasičenega vzorca tal ne presega 2 ds/m. Zasičenost z bazami je visoka (do 99 %), prevladujejo kalcijevi ioni. Izmenljivi delež Na je od 0.2 to 3.8 %. Tekstura je meljasto glinasto ilovnata, z deležem melja do 66 %. Prevladujoči minerali v tleh so kremen, kalcit in muskovit/illit. Nabrekljivih glinenih mineralov (montmorillonita) nismo ugotovili. Na osnovi slovenske klasifikacije tla...