sand to ammonium (NH.*) or nitrate (NOr-) N source was investigated in controlled environments at27"lll", l9olll" and. lgol'loC day/night temperatures. Ammoniumtreated plants developed leaf chlorosis and necrosis. The pH of leachate from the rooting medium dropped from an initial level of 6.0 to values of 3.5-3.9 for NHo*-treated plants, while the pH increased to about 6.5 for NOr--treated plants. The NOr--treated plants had much greater growth overall than NHo*-treated plants. Temperature had little or no effect on plant responses to N source. The NOr--treated plants contained higher NO.-and Ca but lower total N, NHn* and P than NHo*-treated plants.Key words: Temperature, ammonium, nitrate, white bean, navy bean, phytotoxicity [R6action du haricot blanc i I'ammonium ou au nitrate i trois temp6ratures.]