The reflection and transmission problem of an electromagnetic slow-wave by a uniformly moving dielectric slab was investigated theoretically. The relationships among the field vectors of the incident, reflected and transmitted waves, and the reflection and transmission coefficients were derived based on the electromagnetic theory and the principle of special relativity. The numerical analysis shows that at a small mechanical velocity the reflection coefficient of the electromagnetic slow-wave can be close to unit by choosing an appropriate period and mode-order; this is obviously different from that of a fast wave. The results are significant for research on electromagnetics and electrodynamics, and may have applicability to other fields. electromagnetic slow-wave, moving dielectric slab, reflection, transmission Citation: Xia D, Dong T L. Reflection and transmission of electromagnetic slow-waves by a uniformly moving dielectric slab.Research on the problem of the scattering of electromagnetic waves by moving objects and media has a long history, and is interesting from a practical and theoretical point of view. Early in the 1960s, Yeh [1-3] in his series of papers discussed a number of problems such as the reflection and transmission of plane electromagnetic waves by a moving dielectric medium, a moving dielectric slab, and a moving plasma medium. Later, Kong and Cheng [4] studied the problems of reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves by a moving uniaxially anisotropic slab with an arbitrary plane of incidence. Huang et al. [5,6] analyzed the problems of reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves by a dielectric medium and the reflection problem of plane electromagnetic waves from the surface of a perfect conductor moving in an arbitrary direction. Recently, Censor not only investigated non-relativistic or quasi-relativistic scattering by moving media and objects [7-10], but also developed the pertinent low-frequency scattering problems involving objects moving with arbitrary constant velocities in free space [11]. Moreover, the scattering of an electro-*Corresponding author (magnetic pulse by a perfectly conducting half-plane moving in a free space has also been of interest [12]. In these works, various interesting features were observed concerning the variation in the reflection and transmission coefficients, the angles of reflection and transmission, and the frequencies of the reflected and transmitted waves as functions of the velocity of the moving object. However, in almost all of these problems of electromagnetic wave scattering, the incident wave was a universal fast-wave. Currently, little theoretical work is being done with respect to incident slow-waves. An electromagnetic slow-wave is usually generated by periodic slow-wave structures, such as helix [13,14], grating [15,16] and photonic crystal [17]. Because of the unique characteristics of slow-wave structures [18], the scattering characteristics of incident slow-waves may also be unique and significant in relevant applications...