Nearly 1 million Alu elements in human DNA were inserted by an RNA-mediated retroposition-amplification process that clearly decelerated about 30 million years ago. Since then, Alu sequences have proliferated at a lower rate, including within the human genome, in which Alu mobility continues to generate genetic variability. Initially derived from 7SL RNA of the signal recognition particle (SRP), Alu became a dominant retroposon while retaining secondary structures found in 7SL RNA. We previously identified a human Alu RNA-binding protein as a homolog of the 14-kDa Alu-specific protein of SRP and have shown that its expression is associated with accumulation of 3-processed Alu RNA. Here, we show that in early anthropoids, the gene encoding SRP14 Alu RNA-binding protein was duplicated and that SRP14-homologous sequences currently reside on different human chromosomes. In anthropoids, the active SRP14 gene acquired a GCA trinucleotide repeat in its 3-coding region that produces SRP14 polypeptides with extended C-terminal tails. A C3G substitution in this region converted the mouse sequence CCA GCA to GCA GCA in prosimians, which presumably predisposed this locus to GCA expansion in anthropoids and provides a model for other triplet expansions. Moreover, the presence of the trinucleotide repeat in SRP14 DNA and the corresponding C-terminal tail in SRP14 are associated with a significant increase in SRP14 polypeptide and Alu RNA-binding activity. These genetic events occurred during the period in which an acceleration in Alu retroposition was followed by a sharp deceleration, suggesting that Alu repeats coevolved with C-terminal variants of SRP14 in higher primates.Ample evidence indicates that amplification of short interspersed elements (SINEs) occurred via reverse transcription of small RNA intermediaries in a process termed retroposition (52). The SINEs of many organisms are related to one or another tRNA, and these have been found widely distributed in nature, including in plants, fish, and mammals (see references 13, 43, and 44 and references therein). The Alu family of SINEs was derived from the terminal portions of the 7SL RNA component of the signal recognition particle (SRP), a small ribonucleoprotein involved in intracellular protein trafficking (6,24,27,70,71,74,77). In contrast to tRNA-like SINEs, and despite the ubiquity of 7SL SRP RNAs, Alu-related SINEs are for unknown reasons mostly limited to rodents and primates (for a recent review, see reference 13).Evolution of Alu-related SINEs apparently occurred in two major phases: an ancient period during which Alu sequences emerged as monomeric elements followed by a period of remodelling and proliferation (see reference 50 and references therein). The discovery of fossil Alu sequences provided evidence that an Alu monomer originated in an ancestor common to rodents and primates (50). The monomeric Alu-equivalent SINE referred to as B1 has since undergone substantial divergence from 7SL during its amplification to ϳ50,000 to 80,000 copies per haploid genom...