Demonstrations of CW and pulsed microchip lasing in Cr 2þ : ZnS and Cr 2þ : ZnSe crystals are reported. Slope efficiencies up to 53% with output power up to 150 mW for CW and energy up to 1 mJ for pulsed pumping were achieved. Two compact diode and Er fibre laser directly pumped external cavity Cr 2þ : ZnS lasers are also described.
Crystal preparationBulk Cr 2þ : ZnS crystals can be obtained from melt [14] or vapour growth techniques [14] by including the dopant in the starting charge. Under atmospheric pressure ZnS is sublimed at a temperature higher than about 1180 8C before melting [15]. Therefore for melt growth, in addition to high temperature (1950 8C), it is necessary to apply high q IEE, 2003