Analyzing sports policy in Papua in the formation of the XX PON contingent is something that must be done because the achievements of Papua Province at the national level at the national sports week (PON) event, which is held every 4 years, will be increasingly competitive. This study aims to analyze sports policy in Papua in the formation of the Papua contingent at the XX national sports week (PON). Using qualitative methods with data collection techniques interviews, observation and documentation. With the policy analysis methodology used in problem solving: problem formulation, forecasting, recommendations, monitoring, and evaluation. The participants were the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Papua, the Papua Sports and Youth Office (DISORDA), the Papua Provincial Sports Branch Management, coaches and athletes totaling 22 people. The results of this analysis found that the policies taken by Papua Province in the formation of the XX PON contingent related to the recruitment of Papuan domiciled athletes, recruitment of athletes domiciled outside Papua (contract athletes) and training centers inside and outside Papua aim to determine the medal acquisition target, improve achievement and become a good host. The results of the study concluded that the province of Papua has a policy, namely the Papua Governor Regulation Number 29 of 2020 concerning the Description of Duties and Functions of the Papua Provincial Sports and Youth Office and in the stage of drafting a Special Regional Regulation (PERDASUS) of Sports and the use of athlete mutation regulations in the framework of PON contained in KONI Decree Number 56 of 2010 as an attitude of primordialism to achieve the successful achievement target of the host of the XX Papua PON. Through this research can provide positive input for the Papua provincial government to realize the Sports PERDASUS so that the selection of potential athletes in Papua is managed with a planned, systematic, measurable and sustainable sports coaching pattern.
Keywords: Sports Policy, Papua Contingent, PON XX