The recent development of Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled PlasmaMass Spectrometry (MC-ICPMS), notably in the disciplines of earth sciences, now allows the measurement of precise isotope ratios, even under low concentration. Nontraditional isotope systems, such as alkaline earth (Ca, Mg) and transition (Cu, Fe, Zn) metals are now being measured in a variety of biological tissues, including bone and teeth. Although our understanding of the environmental and biological mechanisms behind the fractionation of such elements is still in its infancy, some of these isotopes are suspected to fractionate along the food chain as has been reported in the literature for calcium, magnesium and zinc. Other geochemical methods, such as concentration analyses permit a prior assessment of diagenesis in the fossils to be analysed and such an approach allows recognising that in some circumstances, not only enamel but also dentine or bone can preserve its original biogenic composition. The aims here are to review the current knowledge surrounding these various isotopic tools, address their potential preservation in biological apatite and provide the palaeobiologist a guide on the different toolkits available and discuss their potential applications in vertebrate palaeobiology with a case study involving two mammal assemblages from the Pleistocene of Europe.Key words: non-traditional isotopes, palaeobiology, calcium, cave bear, Pleistocene.GEOCHEMICAL tools are a great asset to infer biological characteristics in fossil organisms that otherwise would remain completely unnoticed with morphological 2 observations alone. Among stable isotopes, carbon (C), oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) have been and are still widely used in ecology, archaeology and in palaeoecology.From the vertebrate individual organism to the community, it is possible to reconstruct body temperatures and infer thermophysiology, reconstruct ambient palaeoenvironmental conditions and infer habitat use and migrations; and last but not least to reconstruct diet and trophic structures in ancient food webs. Most isotope approaches rely on stable isotope ratios of carbon and oxygen but also on radiogenic strontium preserved in fossilised tooth and bone. Elemental concentrations have also proved useful in many contexts such as dietary inference. For example, elemental ratios of strontium to calcium or barium to calcium allow reconstructing ecosystem structures.Contrary to light isotope systems, which have a variability beyond 10 ‰, nontraditional isotopes comprising alkaline earths (Ca, Mg) or transition metals (Cu, Fe, Zn), show isotope variability within a maximum range of 2-3‰. Recent analytical progresses from the domains of earth sciences now allow the measurement of such stable isotope systems, which show limited fractionation and require high precision and accuracy of measurements from mass spectrometers. The main basis for all those geochemical applications is already starting to be applied to archaeological studies (see review by Jaouen and Pons, 2016...