“…Bono (2004) discussed the importance of both lower back dynamic power in movements such as the golf or baseball swing, a gymnast's landing, a power-lifter's squat and a boxer's punch, as well as static strength in examples such as an infielder's stance, a cyclers tuck or a ballerina's arabesque. Bono (2004) stated that "low back pain is a symptom not a diagnosis", which is fitting with studies that have shown a relationship between low back pain and weak lumbar musculature (Luoto, Heliövaara, Hurri, & Alaranta, 1995;Mayer, Graves, Robertson, Pierra, Verna & Ploutz-Snyder, 1999;Risch et al, 1993;Suni, Oja, Miilunpalo, Pasanen, Vuori & Bos, 1998). Other research has shown that the muscles of the lumbar region can be strengthened using specific isolated machine-based training, improving function and reducing low back pain symptoms and disability Choi, Pai Raiturker, Kyung-Joon, Dai Jin, Yu-Sik & Sang-Ho, 2005;Graves et al, 1990Graves et al, , 1994Pollock, Leggett, Graves, Jones, Fulton & Cirulli, 1989;Risch et al, 1993).…”