In recent decades, Mediterranean landscapes have been affected by human-induced drivers,\ud
such as land use and climate change. Forest ecosystems and landscapes have been particularly\ud
affected in mountainous regions due to limited management and stewardship, especially in\ud
remote areas. Therefore, there is a need to set up new strategies to enhance ecosystem services\ud
in forested areas which, in turn, will benefit local communities and economies. In this study,\ud
we implemented a new approach—Multiscale Mapping of Ecosystem Services (MIMOSE)—to assess\ud
ecosystem services in Mediterranean forests located in a mountainous region of Italy. We spatially\ud
assessed timber provision and carbon sequestration according to three forest management strategies:\ud
business-as-usual, maximizing economic values, and prioritizing conservation. Sustainable strategies\ud
for forest planning were identified at the landscape scale. We found that (i) timber provision is\ud
a conflicting service, especially when adaptation strategies are promoted; (ii) the most balanced set of\ud
forest ecosystem services is achieved through prioritizing conservation; and (iii) the ecosystem\ud
services availability is enhanced by optimizing the spatial allocation of different management\ud
strategies. Our approach is suitable to support landscape planning for balancing forest ecosystem\ud
potentialities while respecting local community needs and promoting sustainable development goals\ud
in the Mediterranean area