“…For P race from Ex. 1 and a start configuration where the tortoise is 10 steps ahead of the hare (e.g., x 0 = (11, 1)), the prefix run (11, 1), (12, 1), (13,6) has the probability pr Prace (11,1) ( (11, 1), (12, 1), (13, 6) ) = δ (11,1),(11,1) · p (12,1)−(11,1) (11, 1) · p (13,6)−(12,1) (12, 1) = p (1,0) (11, 1) · p (1,5) (12, 1) = 6 11 · 1 22 = 3 121 . So we take into account whether the prefix run starts with x 0 = (11, 1) and multiply the probability to get from x = (11, 1) to x = (12, 1) with the probability to get from x = (12, 1) to x = (13, 6).…”