Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) has been recognized as an effective way to significantly reduce fuel burn and noise impact. Designing efficient and flexible arrival routes for generating conflict-free and economical trajectories is a cornerstone for fully achieving CDO by high-level automation in high-density traffic scenarios. In this research, inspired by the Point Merge (PM), we design the Inverted Crown-Shaped Arrival Airspace (ICSAA) and its operational procedures to support Omni-directional CDO. In order to generate optimal conflict-free trajectories for upcoming aircraft in an efficient manner, we established a multi-objective trajectory optimization model solved by Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm with Elitist Strategy (NSGA-II). The Pareto solutions of minimal fuel consumption and trip time were achieved in single aircraft and highly complex multi-aircraft scenarios. Among all the elements of Pareto front, we obtained an unique solution with Entropy-Weights Method and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution) to strike a better trade-off among collision probability, fuel consumption, and trip time, which incorporates both air traffic controller’s and pilot’s interests. The effectiveness of CDO performance improvement and computational efficiency in different scenarios were verified. The ICSAA would be a promising structure that promotes the application of automated and flexible CDO.