This study analyzes the critical role of the Save Food Movement in preventing food waste and promoting energy conservation in Riau Province, Indonesia. Food waste is a significant global issue that directly impacts the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those focused on responsible production and consumption. These practices are essential for energy conservation and ensuring food availability for future generations. The increasing attention to food waste in Indonesia, especially in Riau—one of fifteen provinces participating in the Save Food Movement initiated by the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas)—highlights this commitment. This research employs qualitative methods, including interviews and document analysis of journals, reports, media coverage, official websites, and other sources. The findings reveal that the Save Food Movement in Riau Province fosters collaboration among various entities, including the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas), which established a Food Bank, and the Provincial Food and Horticulture Agency, appointed by Bappenas as the movement’s primary driver. Additionally, universities engage with local communities, acting as educational partners to mitigate food waste and promote energy conservation.