DOI: 10.1144/0050247
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Structural elements and petroleum geology of the Norwegian sector of the northern Barents Sea

Abstract: The northern Barents Sea is divided into two principal prospective provinces: (1) the platform areas south and east of Svalbard contain possible hydrocarbon plays in Upper Palaeozoic clastics and carbonates, and in Mesozoic sandstones; (2) The Barents Sea margin, which includes the Yermak Plateau, with possible plays in late Mesozoic and Tertiary sandstones. The platform areas are underlain by a Palaeozoic rift system of highs and intervening basins, containing Devonian and Early Carboniferous rocks overlain b… Show more

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Cited by 43 publications
(59 citation statements)
References 23 publications
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“…The location of crossing profiles is indicated by red triangles. section are attributed to Late Cenozoic uplift and erosion (Eidvin et al, 1993;Grogan et al, 1999;Ohm et al, 2008;. Erosion has removed up to 3200 m from the sedimentary section in the northwestern end of the profile and about 1600 m in the southeastern end (e.g.…”
Section: Crustal Structurementioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…The location of crossing profiles is indicated by red triangles. section are attributed to Late Cenozoic uplift and erosion (Eidvin et al, 1993;Grogan et al, 1999;Ohm et al, 2008;. Erosion has removed up to 3200 m from the sedimentary section in the northwestern end of the profile and about 1600 m in the southeastern end (e.g.…”
Section: Crustal Structurementioning
confidence: 99%
“…8) where the depths reach 10 km and 12 km, respectively. The Sørkapp Basin is defined at Permian and Triassic levels Grogan et al, 1999) (Fig. 1).…”
Section: Crustal Structurementioning
confidence: 99%
“…1A) (Rønnevik et al, 1982;Gabrielsen et al, 1990;Faleide et al, 1991Faleide et al, , 2008Gudlaugsson et al, 1998;Grogan et al, 1999;Worsley et al, 2001;Henriksen et al, 2011). The orientation of lineaments reflects the inherited structural grain from the Late Neoproterozoic Timanian orogeny (Roberts & Siedlecka, 2002;Siedlecka et al, 2004) and two ensuing major orogenic events; the Silurian-Devonian Caledonian (Scandian) orogeny and Ellesmerian orogeny (Gee, 1975;Soper & Higgins, 1990;Higgins et al, 2000;McKerrow et al, 2000;Gee & Teben'kov, 2004;Johansson et al, 2005;Labrousse et al, 2008;Gernigon et al, 2014), and towards the east the Carboniferous-Triassic Uralian orogeny (Otto & Bailey, 1995;Berzin et al, 1996;WittNilsson et al, 1998;Gee et al, 2006).…”
Section: Geological Backgroundmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It is apparent that the development of the northwestern Barents Shelf reflects shifting stress regimes and shifting locus of influence (Rønnevik & Jacobsen, 1984;Riis et al, 1986;Wood et al, 1989;Faleide et al, 1993Faleide et al, , 2008Braathen et al, 1999b;Grogan et al, 1999;Worsley et al, 2001;Worsley, 2008;Barrère et al, 2009;Ritzmann & Faleide, 2009;Henriksen et al, 2011;Gac et al, 2012;Gernigon et al, 2014). It has previously been observed, for example, that the Sørkapp basin, which forms the main Carboniferous depocentre on the northwestern Barents Shelf ( Fig.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In contrast, the Triassic -Lower Cretaceous basin fill in Svalbard and the western platform areas were deposited in a subsiding epicontinental sag basin (Steel & Worsley 1984;Faleide et al 2008;Worsley 2008;Midtkandal & Nystuen 2009;Glørstad-Clark et al 2010). Although these areas experienced no major extensional or compression tectonics, the deposition of the Mesozoic basin fill was controlled by faulting, halokenesis in some basins, volcanism, and the vertical movement and tilting of major structural elements (Steel & Worsley 1984;Grogan et al 1999Grogan et al , 2000Glørstad-Clark et al 2010;Anell et al 2014;Senger et al 2014).…”
Section: Geological Settingmentioning
confidence: 99%