Comprehensive understanding of the structurefunction relationship of RNAb oth in real time and at atomic level will have ap rofound impact in advancing our understanding of RNAf unctions in biology.H ere,w ed escribe the first example of amultifunctional nucleoside probe,containing aconformation-sensitive fluorophore and an anomalous X-ray diffraction label (5-selenophene uracil), which enables the correlation of RNAc onformation and recognition under equilibrium and in 3D.T he probe incorporated into the bacterial ribosomal RNAd ecoding site,f luorescently reports antibiotic binding and provides diffraction information in determining the structure without distorting native RNAf old. Further,b yc omparing solution binding data and crystal structure,w eg ained insight on how the probe senses ligandinduced conformational change in RNA. Taken together,o ur nucleoside probe represents anew class of biophysical tool that would complement available tools for functional RNAi nvestigations.