Communications to the Editor 4263 carbomethoxy group. N M R examination of the crude reaction mixture did not reveal the presence of epimeric tricyclic ketal ester.I5 The formation of 18 implies that the reacting enolate derived from 17 is in the rotameric state shown in 17a. The reasons for this conformational specificity remain to be understood.Deprotection (p-TsOH, acetone) of 18 afforded the keto ester 19,7 mp 49-51 OC, which upon alkaline hydrolysis (aqueous KOH, dioxane, reflux 1 h) gave acid 20,' mp 132-135 OC, in 90% yield from 18. A variety of experiments probing the regiochemistry of a-substitution reactions about the ketone in compounds 19 and 20 indicated the exclusive formation of products derived from enol 21.I6-l8 Accordingly, keto acid 20 was subjected to selenenylationi8 (PhSeCI, ethyl acetate, room temperature 2.5 h). Oxidative treatment (CH2C12, H202, pyridine, room temperature) of the resultant a-phenylseleno ketone afforded the enone acid, 22,7 mp 142-146 OC, in 87% yield from 20. It was our intention to use the a,/3 unsaturation in 22 to force enolization in the required a' sense. Thus, enolization in the extended mode is prohibited by the bridgehead nature of the y carbon.