Signature was redacted for privacy.Signature was redacted for privacy.Signature was redacted for privacy. (2), respectively.) These systems are interesting because, in some instances, the transition metal im purity exhibits local moment character, and this has a dramatic effect on the electronic properties of the alloy. For example, resistivity minima, giant thermoelectric power, anomalous behavior of the specific heat, a temperature dependent susceptibility, and negative magnetoresistance are some of the phenomena character!scic of these alloys (3,4).
11However, in some cases the transition metal impurity appears to be non magnetic, and no anomalous behavior of the electronic properties is ob served. Thus, the problem of understanding these alloys can be divided intc two parts. First, it must be determined under what conditions a local moment is likely to form, and second, the consequences of the inter action of the local moment with its environment must be investigated.