DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.07.017
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Supporting Aspartate Biosynthesis Is an Essential Function of Respiration in Proliferating Cells

Abstract: Summary Mitochondrial respiration is important for cell proliferation, however the specific metabolic requirements fulfilled by respiration to support proliferation have not been defined. Here we show that a major role of respiration in proliferating cells is to provide electron acceptors for aspartate synthesis. This finding is consistent with the observation that cells lacking a functional respiratory chain are auxotrophic for pyruvate, which serves as an exogenous electron acceptor. Further, the pyruvate re… Show more

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Cited by 965 publications
(1,118 citation statements)
References 51 publications
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“…Con versely, sup ple ment ing res pi ra tion de fi cient can cer cells with supra phys i o log i cal lev els of as par tate can re sume ex po nen tial cel lu lar growth, as shown in the case of cy tochrome B mu tated 143B CytB hu man os teosar coma cells [57]. These re sults sup port the idea that main tain ing as par tate syn the sis is a ma jor task of cel lu lar res pi ra tion in pro lif er at ing cells [58]. Oth ers have shown that sev eral can cer cells are highly de pen dent on the up take of ex oge nous ser ine [59,60], which sug gested the es sen tial role of ser ine in pro lif er a tion.…”
Section: U N C O R R E C T E D P R O O Fmentioning
confidence: 52%
“…Con versely, sup ple ment ing res pi ra tion de fi cient can cer cells with supra phys i o log i cal lev els of as par tate can re sume ex po nen tial cel lu lar growth, as shown in the case of cy tochrome B mu tated 143B CytB hu man os teosar coma cells [57]. These re sults sup port the idea that main tain ing as par tate syn the sis is a ma jor task of cel lu lar res pi ra tion in pro lif er at ing cells [58]. Oth ers have shown that sev eral can cer cells are highly de pen dent on the up take of ex oge nous ser ine [59,60], which sug gested the es sen tial role of ser ine in pro lif er a tion.…”
Section: U N C O R R E C T E D P R O O Fmentioning
confidence: 52%
“…In fact, levels of all TCA cycle metabolites were suppressed, potentially because loss of MTH FD2 alters mitochondrial redox metabolism. Decreases in TCA intermediates were also observed with impaired mitochondrial NAD + /NADH metabolism (Sullivan et al, 2015).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 87%
“…Light also could inhibit de novo purine synthesis by decreasing the amount of aspartate in the cell. Recent studies showed that decreases in nucleotide levels correlate with reduced synthesis of aspartate (52)(53)(54)(55)(56). These are reasonable mechanisms by which light could regulate de novo purine synthesis.…”
Section: Illumination Influences Nucleotide Metabolismmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Recent studies of metabolism in other types of cells also concluded that anabolic activities of mitochondria can even be more essential than ATP synthesis (53,55).…”
Section: Control Of Metabolism By Signalingmentioning
confidence: 99%