This work reports a reliable and systematic study of barite-nucleation kinetics in the presence of scale inhibitors from 4 to 90 C and at various conditions. In this study, we designed and developed an apparatus to study the nucleation kinetics of barite-scale formation by monitoring the change of photocurrent created by a 5-mW, 635-nm red laser.The photodetector has a wide wavelength range in which sensitivity has a peak at 960 nm. A set of convex and concave lenses was used to control the beam diameter so that it can pass through more particles and increase the sensitivity. Temperature and mixing procedure were precisely controlled by an external waterbath and magnetic stirplate, respectively. The photocurrent output was constant when the laser is shining through a clear solution before scale formation. After scale occurred, laser was scattered by scale particles, which causes the decrease of photocurrent. One can expand this method to study nucleation kinetics of other scales such as carbonates, other sulfates, and sulfide scales. In addition, one can customize it to perform study under high temperature, high pressure, and anoxic conditions.With this newly developed "laser" method, we successfully measured the nucleation kinetics of barite in synthetic brine (1 M NaCl, 0.1 M CaCl 2 ) under various combinations of reaction parameters including temperature (T), pH, saturation index (SI), and Ba 2þ /SO 2À 4 ratio (R). Furthermore, the inhibition efficiency of various scale inhibitors including sulfonated polycarboxylic acid, polyvinyl sulfonate, and inulin on barite precipitation was also investigated. On the basis of the experimental results, the relationship of precipitation kinetics of barite as a function of T, pH, SI, and R was established. Results of this study will be incorporated into scale-prediction software to predict the risk of scale formation and the efficiency of scale inhibitors.