“…This diversity of goals may be the result not only of differing professional views on nursing care, but also of a paradigm shift in the EMS role. The care has changed from providing out-of-hospital urgent and emergency medical treatment, to a care based on assessing the patients multiple needs (Edwards, Bassett, Sinden, & Fothergill, 2014) and less acute conditions (Durant & Fahimi, 2012), in order to define an appropriate level of care (Lederman, Löfvenmark, Djärv, Lindström, & Elmqvist, 2019;Norberg, Wireklint Sundstrom, Christensson, Nystrom, & Herlitz, 2015). Hence, the assessment of the patient may generate several possible solutions, for example nonconveyance with self-care advice or conveyance to primary care services.…”