“…[11][12][13] Hanani et al 11 reported the thermal-stability of the energy storage and electrocaloric properties of BCZT ceramic elaborated by low-temperature hydrothermal processing, and found a small energy storage variation (ESV) of 12.7% between 27 and 127 C, alongside with enhanced recovered energy storage (W rec ) of 414.1 mJ cm À3 at 107 C. In addition, Puli et al 14 investigated the energy storage performances in (1 À x)BZT-xBCT (x ¼ 0.10, 0.15, 0.20) system and observed improved W rec and high energy storage efficiency (h) of 680 mJ cm À3 and 72.8%, respectively, at x ¼ 0.15 under 170 kV cm À1 . Besides, Cai et al 15 studied the effect of grain size on the dielectric, ferroelectric, piezoelectric and energy storage performances, and observed that the piezoelectric coefficient (d 33 ) gradually increases with the grain size increasing, however, despite the enhanced h, low W rec and modest ESV were reported.…”