Ether-sulfonate copolymer of 1,1 0 -bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) cyclohexane, bisphenol-A and 4,4 0 -disulfonyl chloride diphenyl ether [PESAC] has been synthesized and characterized by IR, 1 H NMR, viscosity ([g] ¼ 0.23-0.25 gdl À1 ), density (1.3172 g/cm 3 ), tensile strength (11.8 MPa), electric strength (64 kV/mm), volume resistivity (4.24 Â 10 14 X cm) and dielectric constant (1.0). PESAC possesses excellent solubility, good hydrolytic stability against water, acids, alkalis and salt, high T g (170 C) and high thermal stability (290 C). The associated kinetic parameters namely energy of activation E (386.6 kJ mol À1 ), order of the reaction n (3.1), frequency factor A (1.53 Â 10 31 s À1 ) and entropy change DS Ã (346.1 kJ mol À1 ) have been determined and discussed.