Abstract-In order to achieve better self-control of their diabetes and to decrease long-term risks of complications, diabetic patients monitor several different parameters on a day-to-day basis. These parameters, such as blood glucose level, insulin intake, weight, diet, exercise and physical activity, blood pressure, can be easily acquired using IT technologies without oppressing the patient with handwritten diaries. At the same time, healthcare professionals are provided with the data on time and can intervene without delay, if necessary. The system collects data on blood glucose level using special device for communication between glucose meter and either a smartphone or a PC. A person's weight is acquired using a modified body scale which, while weighing, at the same time scans patient's feet and stores images for further processing and comparison with the images from pressure measurement platform. Patients enter their own diet and therapy using a smartphone app. Information on exercise and physical activity is provided using WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network) system with complementing software, both developed at our University. The system supports patients while performing previously determined exercise plan without the immediate presence of trainer, and also acquires data on regular daily activity (walking, running, sitting,…). The parts of the system providing some of the parameters are either developed in our previous studies or commercial, and they are integrated into our e-system. After collecting, the data is stored in a database for further use by diabetic patients themselves or by their healthcare providers.