Let X be a manifold with an action of a torus T such that all isotropy groups are connected and satisfying some other mild hypotheses. We provide a necessary and sufficient criterion for the equivariant cohomology H * T (X) with real coefficients to be a certain syzygy as module over H * (BT ). It turns out that, possibly after blowing up the non-free part of the action, this only depends on the orbit space X/T together with its stratification by orbit type. Our criterion unifies and generalizes results of many authors about the freeness and torsion-freeness of equivariant cohomology for various classes of T -manifolds.in equivariant cohomology. The first map in (1.3) is induced by the inclusion X 0 ֒→ X, and the others are the connecting maps in the long exact sequences for the triples (X i+1 , X i , X i−1 ). We call H * +i T (X i , X i−1 ) the i-th position of this sequence; H * T (X) is at position −1. One of the main achievements of [1] was to relate the exactness of the Atiyah-Bredon sequence to the syzygy order of H * T (X) [1, Thm. 5.7]:2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 57R91; secondary 13D02, 55N91. The author was supported by an NSERC Discovery Grant.Here ι QO : Q ֒→ O denotes the inclusion and rank Q the common dimension of the orbits in X lying over the interior of Q. The signs in (1.6) are determined by an ordering of the facets (corank-1 faces) of X/T , see Section 5. Theorem 1.3. Let X be a locally standard T -manifold, and let j ≥ 0. Then H * T (X) is a j-th syzygy if and only if H i (B * (P )) = 0 for all faces P of X/T and all i > max(rank P − j, 0). This characterization unifies and extends results of many authors concerning the freeness and torsion-freeness of torus-equivariant cohomology. This includes work of Barthel-Brasselet-Fieseler-Kaup [5], Masuda-Panov [24], Masuda [23] and Goertsches-Rollenske [17]. We also generalize a result of Bredon [7] about the cohomology of X/T and one of Ayzenberg-Masuda-Park-Zeng [4] about the equivariant cohomology of certain torus manifolds, and we recover the calculation of Ext modules of Stanley-Reisner rings done by Mustaţă [26] and Yanagawa [28] as well as Munkres' formula for the depth of such rings [25].Compact orientable T -manifolds of dimension 2r have received a lot of attention so far, for example smooth complete toric varieties or torus manifolds. We can now also explain why these spaces do not provide interesting examples of syzygies.Corollary 1.4. Let X be a compact orientable T -manifold of dimension 2r. Then H * T (X) is torsion-free if and only if it is free over R.The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we review background material, and in Section 3 we characterize syzygies by a depth condition on the equivariant cohomology of fixed point sets of subtori. Then we study blow-ups of characteristics manifolds (Section 4). Theorem 1.3 is proved in Section 5, based on a certain decomposition of the Atiyah-Bredon sequence for compact supports. Multiplicative aspects are discussed in Section 6. We present several applicatio...