“…Real-Time PCR reactions were performed using the SLAN-96P real-time PCR detection system (Hongshi, China). The reaction mixture consisted of 10×Taq HS buffer (Mg 2+ plus, 2.5 µL), UNG(1U/µL,0.1µL), dN(U)TP (25mM, 0.2µL), TaqHS DNA polymerase (5U/µL, 0.5µL), invA-F (10µM, 0.5µL), invA-R (10µM, 0.5µL), invA-P (10µM, 0.4µL), along with 2 µL of DNA template, with sterilized double distilled water added to create the nal reaction volume of 25 µL (Bundidamorn, & Trevanich, 2021). Thermocycling conditions included 50°C for 2 min, 95°C for 3 min, with 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s, followed by 60°C for 45 s and a uorescence read at 60°C at the end of each cycle.…”