“…About 75% of cases of Holt-Oram syndrome are caused by mutations in TBX5, a member of the T-box family of transcription factors, which plays a role in regulation of gene expression during embryogenesis (Basson et al 1997;Li et al 1997c;McDermott et al 2005). TBX5 is expressed in the developing heart and limb and has been shown to be involved in the development of the cardiac septum and conduction system, consistent with the clinical findings in Holt-Oram syndrome (Steimle and Moskowitz 2017). Most of the variants in TBX5 are Kojuri et al 2007 (AR) aortic regurgitation, (AS) aortic stenosis, (ASD) atrial septal defect, (AVSD) atrioventricular septal defect, (BAV) bicuspid aortic valve, (CoA) coarctation of the aorta, (DORV) double outlet right ventricle, (HCM) hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, (HLHS) hypoplastic left heart syndrome, (MR) mitral regurgitation, (MVP) mitral valve prolapse, (PA) pulmonary atresia, (PDA) patent ductus arteriosus, (PFO) patent foramen ovale, (PS) pulmonary stenosis, (TA) truncus arteriosus, (TOF) tetralogy of Fallot, (TR) tricuspid regurgitation, (VSD) ventricular septal defect.…”