Remarkable temporal and spatial variations occur on selected body temperature (T sel ) and locomotor performance for Plestiodon (Eumeces) chinensis, commonly known as Chinese skinks. However, the significance of these variations remains elusive. Th is study focuses on the eff ects of thermal environment and food availability on P. chinensis 's T sel and locomotor performance. Th e duration of thermal treatment (4h and 8h) displayed signifi cant eff ects on T sel , additionally the eff ects of thermal treatment were also dependent on food-availability. Th ere was no signifi cant variation in skink's T sel under diverse thermal treatments when suffi cient food was available. However, with insuffi cient food source, the T sel decreased with decrease in the duration of thermal treatment. Th ermal acclimation also aff ected locomotor performance of P. chinensis, as the 8h thermal treatment enhanced their locomotor performance. However, food availability alone had no signifi cant impact on the locomotor performance. Th erefore, the combination of thermal acclimation and food availability could cause variations in T sel and locomotor performance of skinks, suggesting that thermal environment and food condition in nature are important factors involved in temporal and spatial variations for T sel and locomotor performance. © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2010.