“…The conservation of water (increasing infi ltration, decreasing runoff, reducing evaporation and increasing soil water storage) and that of soil go hand-in-hand; therefore, practices which conserve water also conserve soil (Arnaez et al 2015). Numerous publications in countries such as Spain (Douglas et al 1994, Gallart et al 1994, Cerdà 1998, Italy (Mauro 2011, Tarolli et al 2014, Germany (Lóc-zy 1998), Mexico (Mountjoy and Gliessman 1988), Nepal (Gardner and Gerrard 2003), and China (Quine et al 1999, Cao et al 2013, Yi et al 2017, as well as numerous conferences, confi rm the signifi cance of both the threat posed by the erosion process, as well as the methods of protection against this phenomenon (Arnaez et al 2015). Terracing is one…”