We generalize the technique by Peyrl and Parillo [Proc. SNC 2007] to computing lower bound certificates for several well-known factorization problems in hybrid symbolicnumeric computation. The idea is to transform a numerical sum-of-squares (SOS) representation of a positive polynomial into an exact rational identity. Our algorithms successfully certify accurate rational lower bounds near the irrational global optima for benchmark approximate polynomial greatest common divisors and multivariate polynomial irreducibility radii from the literature, and factor coefficient bounds in the setting of a model problem by Rump (up to n = 14, factor degree = 13).The numeric SOSes produced by the current fixed precision semi-definite programming (SDP) packages (SeDuMi, SOSTOOLS, YALMIP) are usually too coarse to allow successful projection to exact SOSes via Maple 11's exact linear algebra. Therefore, before projection we refine the SOSes by rank-preserving Newton iteration. For smaller problems the starting SOSes for Newton can be guessed without SDP ("SDP-free SOS"), but for larger inputs we additionally appeal to sparsity techniques in our SDP formulation.