Let X be a regular tame stack. If X is locally of finite type over a field, we prove that the essential dimension of X is equal to its generic essential dimension; this generalizes a previous result of P. Brosnan, Z. Reichstein and the second author. Now suppose that X is locally of finite type over a 1-dimensional noetherian local domain R with fraction field K and residue field k. We prove that ed
Introduction, and the statement of the main theoremsLet k be a field, X → Spec k an algebraic stack, an extension of k, ξ ∈ X( ) an object of X over . If k ⊆ L ⊆ is an intermediate extension, we say, very naturally, that L is a field of definition of ξ if ξ descends to L. The essential dimension ed k ξ, which is either a natural number or +∞, is the minimal transcendence degree of a field of definition of ξ. If X is of finite type then ed k ξ is always finite.This number ed k ξ is a very natural invariant, which measures, essentially, the number of independent parameters that are needed for defining ξ. The essential dimension ed k X of X is the supremum of the essential dimension of all objects over all extensions of k (if X is empty then ed k X is −∞). This number is the answer to the question "how many independent parameters