More than forty transition metal carbonyls mainly bimetallic ones have been categorized using skeletal numbers. Their cluster valence electrons (CVE) were calculated using six different equations which had been discovered and consolidated during the course of the studies on chemical clusters over a period of time. These equations were easy to formulate after the discovery that chemical clusters form natural series which follow arithmetic progressions. With more scrutiny, it will be possible to find other equations which would help in calculating CVE. The categorization parameter, K*=C y +D z is a useful concept in analyzing clusters. Regardless of how it was arrived at for transition metals or main group elements, it conveys vital information. From, you can know how many skeletal elements are in a cluster, the cluster valence electrons can be calculated, the type of series and clan of the cluster can be determined and the possible geometrical skeletal structure of the cluster can be predicted, among others. The isomeric and graphical skeletal structures of some of the clusters were constructed.