Abs tract. Fischer 344 rats an d B6C3F t mice were fed diets that conta ined 0.03, 0.06, 0. 1 and 0.2% 4,4'-oxydianiline for 13 week s. The 0. 1 to 0.2% diet caused 40 to 70% mort al ity in female rat s. Altho ug h mice ate abo ut 3.5 time s more ch emi cal tha n rats, no mice died . Alopec ia, dyspn ea a nd cya nosis in rats, an d letha rgy in both species occur red in the 0. 1 to 0.2% gro ups. Goi te r was fou nd in rats tha t d ied as ea rly as the 4th to 5th week of study in th e gro u ps given the 0.06 to 0. 1% d iet. At the end of th e study , diffuse par ench ymatou s goi ter was seen in all rats given th e 0.06% and higher co ncentra tion diet s and in most mice given th e 0.2% diet. In rat s, the th yroid s also were heavil y encapsulated and had interstiti al fibr osis and vascular degen eration . There was co nco mita nt hyperpl asia of pituitar y basophils in both species, but an increase of cells th at secrete th yrot rop in was seen in rats only.Di-(4-amino phenyl)ether, kn own also as 4,4'-oxydi aniline, an intermediate in synthesis of polyimide ad hesive, was selected for in vivo testin g as part of the Na tional Cance r Institute's (NC I) carcinoge nes is bioassay program . T his co mpo und was chose n by NC I becau se its struc tural config ura tion indicat ed potent ial ca rcinogenic activity and becau se earlier studies with thi s chemica l in a nima ls were co nside red inadequate [4,5]. More recent stud ies, however, revealed weak carcinogenicity in ra ts and mice [1]. Related aro matic amines, nam ely cur ing agents for liqu id cas table polyurethan e elasto mers and epoxy resins, were proven carcinoge nic in lab oratory animals. O ra l ad ministra tion of either 4,4'-methy lene-bis-(2-chloroaniline) or 4,4'-methylene -b is-(2-meth ylaniline) to mice and rat s ind uced liver tumors in both species and lung tumors in rats [6,9,12,15,16]. An other dianiline derivative, 4,4'-di aminodi ph en yl-m eth an e was eq uivoca lly car cinogeni c in rats, the only species tested [9,14].Th e goa l of this investigation is to determi ne if this chemica l is ca rcinoge nic in ani mals. This rep ort present s result s of the subchronic ph ase of study in which goitr ou s cha nges were found in rat s and mice.
Materials and MethodsOn e hundred 28-day-old male and fem ale Fisc he r 344 rat s were obtai ned from Litton Bion erics, Fre derick Ca ncer Resea rch Ce nter, Frede rick, Md . All rat s were in goo d cond ition aft er isolati on and obse rva tion for 7 days. Before testin g, 5-wee k-old rat s wer e weighed and th ose at eithe r extrem e of the weig ht ran ge were d iscar ded . Fifty rat s of eac h sex were 649