SummaryThe expression of the 70-kD 0 subunit of the interleukin 2 receptor (IL2R) has been examined on peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) obtained from patients receiving systemic infusions of 11,2. Using monoclonal antibodies directed against p70, flow cytometric analyses revealed a greater than threefold increase in expression of the IIr2R 0 chain on CD56+ natural killer (NK) cells from post-IL2 therapy PBL relative to pre-therapy cells . The level of p70 expression on the post- or nonspecific mitogenic stimuli, however, results in increased IL-2 and Tac synthesis, followed by a rapid increase in high affinity IL2R expression (1,24) . This activation also leads to increased release of soluble Tac protein from the cells (25). Similar results were noted when purified T cells were cultured directly in IL2 (1,19,24,26) . The latter observation suggests that IL2, when present in sufficient concentrations, directly activates resting Tac -cells through the intermediate affinity p70 0 chain, leading to the synthesis of IL2 and Tac and the formation of Tac/p70 IL-2R complexes . Subsequent autocrine responses to IL-2 would then be mediated by the newly formed high affinity receptors. Consistent with these in vitro observations, increased levels of soluble Tac have been observed in the sera of patients receiving systemic infusions of high-dose 11,2 (27, 28), in the sera of patients experiencing graft rejections (29), and in other forms of in vivo immune activation (30) .