The electron-capture decay of t3~Ba (T 89 d) to excited levels of 13~Cs has been studied using high resolution semiconductor detectors. The presence of 1046.9 keV gamma-ray in between 1170.6 and 123.8 keV levels, in addition to 1047.6 keV gamma-ray from 1047.6 keV level to ground state of ~31Cs is confirmed through gamma-gamma coincidence measurements. The K-capture probabilities to 1047 keV, 696 keV and 620 keV levels are measured using X-gamma coincidence method. The gamma-gamma directional correlation measurements of the cascades 496-123, 240-133, 486.133, 404-216, 480 216 and 832-216 keV are carried out and spins and multipolarities of the levels and transitions involved are studied.