Summary: This study was directed at relating ion trans port and mitochondrial redox activity during hypoxia, as a step toward definition of brain oxygen sufficiency. To accomplish this, extracellular potassium ion activity (K+o) was recorded by ion-selective microelectrodes while reduction/oxidation (redox) ratios of cytochrome oxidase (cytochrome a,a3) were monitored by reflection spectrophotometry in cerebral cortex of rats anesthetized with pentobarbital. In normoxia, neuronal activation by direct cortical stimulation produced transient oxidation of cytochrome a,a3 and elevation of K +0. Moderate hyp oxia (Pao2 above 50 mm Hg) resulted in reduction of cy tochrome a,a3 but only slight elevation of K +0. At this level of hypoxia, cytochrome a,a3 continued to respond to neuronal activation with transient shifts toward oxida tion and rates of K + 0 reaccumulation were unchanged from control. When Pao2 was further decreased below a critical threshold, stimulus-provoked oxidative responsesMaintenance of brain oxygenation is critical for normal function, ion homeostasis, and cell survival. Early consequences of brain anoxia include rapid reduction of the mitochondrial electron carriers, depression of synaptic transmission, loss of EEG activity and consciousness, and a slow increase in extracellular potassium ion activity (K +0). Subse quent to these changes, a K + 0 threshold is reached at which there are large increases in membrane conductances, maximal K + efflux, and anoxic de polarization (e.g., Chance et aI., 1962; Vyskocil et aI., 1972;Siesj6, 1978;Blass and Gibson, 1979;Hansen, 1985).
155of mitochondrial reactants were replaced by shifts toward reduction, but rates of reaccumulation of K + , spilled into the extracellular space by neuronal activation, remained unchanged. Only during severe hypoxia (Pao2 less than 20 mm Hg) was it possible in some animals to record a slowing in the reaccumulation of K + 0 without provoca tion of spreading cortical depression. These data indicate that ion transport activity in cerebral cortex is more re fractory to hypoxia than is mitochondrial redox func tioning. They suggest an in vivo parallel to the "cushion ing" effect of mitochondria in vitro, in which oxygen consumption remains constant despite fluctuations in ox ygenation and redox ratios, and also that there may be a greater anaerobic capacity to provide energy for ion transport in mammalian brain than has previously been appreciated. K ey Words: Brain oxygenation-Cy tochrome oxidase-Hypoxia-Mitochondria-Potas sium -Spectrophotometry.It remains difficult, however, to define brain ox ygen sufficiency in physiological terms. In part, this is due to the difficulty in extrapolating effects of anoxia to those produced by hypoxia because anoxia-induced changes occur so rapidly and be cause hypoxia-induced alterations do not reach maxima. Also, little is known of the relationships between brain metabolism and ion transport during hypoxia since high-energy intermediates are rela tively unchanged, at least by mild hypoxia (Si...