Cyclone separators are used in multi-phase flows for phase separation or classification. Pressure drop and separation efficiency are essential parameters for determining the performance of a cyclone separator, and critical diameter is an important parameter related to cyclone separation efficiency. In this study, we investigate the critical diameter prediction ability of various mathematical models; in particular, approximately 400 experimental data available in the literature, reflecting different geometries and operating parameters, are used to investigate the critical diameter prediction ability of the selected models. These data are calculated using ten mathematical models selected among the most widely used models which operate based on different principles, and the associated critical diameter values are determined. These calculated values are then compared with those obtained in the experimental studies. As a result, there are many parameters affecting the performance of cyclone separators. The fact that some of these parameters are not used in the models can lower the prediction accuracy of the model, depending on the context. For this reason, the parameters for which the models give better results are analyzed in detail. According to these results, users can choose a model more appropriately. In addition, an absolute evaluation is provided, demonstrating that the models provide important ideas regarding cyclone performance.