Мета статті полягає в характеристиці конкурентних відносин на діджиталізованих ринках в умовах загострення проявів техноглобалізму. Хоча техноглобалізм найчастіше асоціюють зі зростанням впливу Інтернету на характер та масштаби міжнародного обміну товарами, послугами, інноваціями та знаннями, його так само характеризують як певну ідеологію, яка раціоналізує глобалізм на технологічних засадах, що тягне за собою створення нових та розширення існуючих форм взаємозалежностей та обмінів на всіх рівнях співробітництва. Техноглобалізм нерідко пов'язують із поняттям "великої конвергенції", що інтерпретується як новий етап гло-
ПОСТАНОВКА ПРОБЛЕМИНа національному рівні урядами країн дедалі активніше впроваджуються Стратегії цифрової трансформації економіки, які покликані ініціювати або пришвид-access to key inputs that make it difficult for newcomers to enter players); (3) anticompetitive policy.
The development of ideas about the components of the digital economy is visualized. It has been established that digitalization: (1) leads to the emergence of completely new market agents, which intensifies competition between traditional service providers who are forced to revise their pricing approaches; (2) promotes the transformation of objects of exchange; (3) contributes to the full or partial transformation of physical products into digital products; (4) changes the methods of exchange; (5) transforms approaches to ownership; (6) provides information about new features of the factor of production, creating new objects of exchange. An analysis of the features of competitive relations in the digital economy made it possible to identify the following key positions: (1) competition between platforms can affect competition between individual goods sold on them, since network effects can exceed individual ones; (2) an increase in consumption and an increase in the number of consumers leads to an increase in the marginal utility of a product or service (the more they consume, the greater the growth and attractiveness of platform services for users); (3) free market entry increases competition but does not guarantee perfect competition due to the difficulty of attracting a sufficient audience; (4) the "Winner-take-all" effect highlights the possibility of one platform or ecosystem dominating the market under certain conditions; (5) in the case of monopoly, and in the case of competition, prices are set in such a way as to attract as many users as possible on both sides of the market; (6) in some cases, the dominance of the platform in the market is economically feasible and increased competition in the market may lead to negative consequences for one of the parties to the market; (7) multilateral markets, and especially markets for digital platforms and ecosystems, tend to be characterized by a large number of participants, which means that direct interaction between all platform participants is difficult at once, and, as a result, price distortions may occur in such markets, which in some cases requires external ...